September 19, 2022
Dr. Ken Shay, UNIP recently graduated Doctor of Business Administration, published in May 2021 an inspiring book. From Universidad del Pacífico we proudly present his introduction and link to Amazon website, where book is available to anyone who wish to own a copy:
"Daddy's heart of gold is a book I wrote to show the world how I love my daughters. It is a book I wrote to show the world how my love for my daughters can save the whole world. I know that there are a lot of parents out there, and I also want them to know that they can use the love they've for their kids to change the world just as I'm changing the world with the love I've for my daughters. I keep working to be a better person for my daughters because I know that once I'm a better person, my daughters will become better people.
We've so many problems in this world. Things would be much easier if people could work hard to become better people. How do we all achieve this? By being parents with a heart of gold."