With this Zig Ziglar quote we open this post, trying to spread our success conception. Since this world is highly competitive, success depends to be in the right time, in the right place, and of course, with the right attitude. From UNIP we want you to realize that your attitude has more to do with your success in life than your skills.

Of course, it is important for people to have skills, training and experience but i have always been a huge believer in putting attitude above aptitude. You can come fully equipped for a role but without real enthusiasm the best skill-set count for very little. You can train somebody and give them the tools but you can’t give them the right attitude.


You may be the smartest student in your graduating class, but it will be your attitude about making a valuable contribution to a company that will get you hired for the job. If you have had trouble getting and keeping a job, or trouble getting and keeping friends, it is probably the result of your attitude more than anything else.

The better your attitude about life and people, the better your chances for success. People want to be around a person with a positibe attitude. Bosses want to hire a person with a positive attitude. Your ability to rise to leadership will be determined by your attitude. It’s that simple! How far you go ni life, what contribution you make to the world, will largely be determined by your attitude.